Table of Contents

RLG Agent


The agent is written in Java and therefor available on nearly any platform. There are ready-made packages for Windows, Mac, Linux and Raspbian. The Raspbian version is only available as a service or demonized version. Linux versions are distributed via a package repository at Refer to the download page for more information.

Hard- and Software

Agents are supposed to run on Raspberry Pi computers with several input and output devices connected to them. Like LED stripes, sirens (switched by relay boards), push buttons, LCDs etc. But it is also possible to run them on a standard desktop computers (Mac, Windows, Linux). In this case, they start up a Swing GUI to simulate the aforementioned devices on the screen or via the sound card.

We use the Pi4J framework to connect the hardware to our Java source code. The whole framework is about to change drastically with the version 2. But for now we stick to Version 1, which still relies on the now deprecated WiringPi project, as it runs very well. Please note, that the Pin numbering used in the config files are named according to the WiringPi scheme.

WiringPi is not available in Raspbian anymore or as sourcecode. Until we are moving on to pi4j 2.0 (which based on pigpio), we stick with a source code mirror for WiringPi on GitHub. Which works very well for us.

There is also a standard PCB which works best for a Raspberry Pi setup. You can get Your own PCBs here.


The agent creates a workspace folder (if missing). The folder's location has to be specified via a -D argument on the java command line.

java -jar -Dworkspace=/home/pi/rlgagent

The standard installation packages contain this setting in the rlgagent.vmoptions file located in the installation folder.

This folder contains the config.txt file, the log file directory and the mqtt persistence folder. It usually looks like this:

| |--.lck
| |--2022-03-08.rlgagent.log.gz
| |--2022-03-11.rlgagent.log.gz
| |--2022-03-07.rlgagent.log.gz
| |--2022-03-01.rlgagent.log.gz
| |--2022-03-09.rlgagent.log.gz
| |--2022-01-20.rlgagent.log.gz
| |--2022-02-11.rlgagent.log.gz
| |--rlgagent.log


Logfiles are stored in the logs subdirectory. The agent archives a log file from a previous day on startup (see above). The current day's file is always named rlgagent.log


The config.txt is a standard Java properties file. If it is missing either single entries or completely, it will be created and filled up with the following default settings:

#Settings rlgagent
#Mon Jul 04 15:47:26 CEST 2022
btn01=GPIO 3
btn02=GPIO 4
buzzer=GPIO 26
led_blu=GPIO 22
led_grn=GPIO 21
led_red=GPIO 1
led_wht=GPIO 2
led_ylw=GPIO 5
sir1=GPIO 7
sir2=GPIO 0
sir3=GPIO 6
sir4=GPIO 23
wifi_cmd=iwconfig wlan1


The commander and the agents communicate via a MQTT broker.

Every agent has its own command and event channel.


are both defined in configs.txt

EXAMPLE: for a default installation these two channels are


Every command is sent to its own sub-topic below the agent's command channel. Signals to ag01 are sent to /rlg/cmd/ag01/signals, LCD content to /rlg/cmd/ag01/paged etc. The examples below are written with these default settings in mind.


Signals can be seen (blinking lights) or heard (sirens or buzzers). We are not talking about the mp3 sound files here.

Visual signals

Topic: /rlg/cmd/ag01/lamps

Acoustic signals

Topic: /rlg/cmd/ag01/sirens

The handling of both device classes is the same. So the following information can be applied to both of them.


Signal schemes are lists of on and off durations (in milliseconds) for the specific Raspi pin. Every list is preceded by the number of repeats. If a scheme should go on forever (until overwritten by a new command), the repeat_count can be replaced by the infty keyword (in fact, there is no infinity, it is Long.MAX_VALUE, but for our purpose this would take forever). A repeat_count of 0, turns off the signal. Like so: 0: or the word off (which is also understood).

The syntax of the scheme is:


Devices (like LEDs or sirens) connected to these pins via a MOSFET transistors or Relays are switched on and off accordingly.

Standard signal schemes

By default, an agent recognizes some standard schemes which are translated locally. In fact, the commander makes extensive use of these “macros”, as they cover most of its needs.

Hence, a signal with a payload like {"led_red":"slow"} would translate to {"led_red":"infty:on,1000;off,2000"}.

Dynamic signal schemes


The agent abstracts devices from their GPIO counterparts on the Raspi. The following devices are recognized: for visual: wht, red, ylw, grn, blu.

for acoustics: sir1, sir2, sir3, btn01, btn02, buzzer

“sir” stands for siren. So the meaning of this list should be pretty obvious.

There are 3 device groups:


A signal which causes the agent to buzz two times (75 ms) would have a payload like this:


If we want all LEDs to blink every second (until further notice), we would send this:


or in short:


We can combine multiple payloads into one message. Also for the other commands, not only signals.

  "led_all": "infty:on,250;off,2500",
  "sir1": "long"

Paged Displays

Topic: /rlg/cmd/ag01/paged

Agents can handle LCDs driven by the Hitachi HD44780 controller chip. LCDs with line/col should have a text screen dimension of 20×4. As You can see in the JavaDoc for MyLCD,the display output is organized in pages, which cycle in order by their addition. Refer to the MyLCD class for more details.

Every screen page is identified by a string handle. Please note that there is always a starting page called page0, which cannot be removed.

Setting the page content

The following payload will set the content of 2 pages. A new page will be created automatically when needed. It is also automatically removed, when this new page is missing from a later page content command.

  "page1": [
    "   >>> BLUE  <<<   ",
  "page0": [
    "   >>> RED   <<<   ",

Content exceeding the supported display dimension (e.g. 20×4) will be ignored. Superfluous lines are discarded, exceeding lines are truncated.

As You can see, we used template expressions in the last example like “${blue_l1}”. These expressions refer to a variable (see the next section) and will be replaced by the bound variable content. The variable content is updated every time the page is displayed.

There also timer variables which are always counted down, even when the page is currently displayed. So You can display a running timer, even when there is only one page to be displayed. (see timers)

Variables and template expressions

Topic: /rlg/cmd/ag01/vars

Template expressions are replaced with their corresponding values. These values can be prefixed by the agent or set dynamically by the commander. Timers are a special case of values. In the above example we used template expressions already.

You may have noted, that there are some template expressions in the display string like ${agversion}. You will find some detailed explanations in the Displays section of this document.

Preset variables

Dynamic variables

The commander can set any variable to a specific value to fill out the page templates on the display, as described above. Example message as generated by the Conquest class.

  "red_l2": "",
  "blue_tickets": "250",
  "blue_l1": "",
  "red_l1": "",
  "blue_l2": "",
  "red_tickets": "250"


Topic: /rlg/cmd/ag01/timers

Timers are also variables, but they have to be Long values. The agent interprets those values as remaining time in seconds and starts to count them down after reception. The timer template is replaced by the time in the format hh:ss and disappears when the time reaches zero.

  "remaining": 61

The above message will start a timer at 1 minute 1 second. A display line:

  "timer": "${remaining}"

will show up on the LCD as timer: 01:01 - and counting


Events are something that happens to or on the agent. They are reported to the commander.


Topic: /rlg/evt/ag01/btn01 or /rlg/evt/ag01/btn02

The use of a button is divided into two separate events:

  1. The first one reporting that the button is pressed down: {"button":"down"}
  2. the second one when the button is released again: {"button":"up"}


Topic: /rlg/evt/ag01/status

Every 60 seconds an agent reports its current status to the commander. Very important to tell, whether all agents are working correctly during a match.

  "mqtt-broker": "localhost",
  "netmonitor_cycle": 96,
  "wifi": "PERFECT",
  "mqtt_connect_tries": 1,
  "essid": "!DESKTOP!",
  "last_ping": "16.03.22, 15:06:27",
  "link": "--",
  "freq": "--",
  "ping_max": "0.044",
  "bitrate": "--",
  "version": "",
  "ap": "!DESKTOP!",
  "txpower": "--",
  "ping_success": "ok",
  "powermgt": "--",
  "ping_loss": "0%",
  "ping_min": "0.044",
  "ping_avg": "0.044",
  "signal": "-30",
  "ping_host": "localhost",
  "timestamp": "2022-03-16T15:06:27.107081+01:00[Europe/Berlin]"